Dissecting a KODIAK POST ....


New member
Sep 20, 2004
When dissecting a good solid Kodiak post one must notice some fine qualities of it from the start...

1) Notice the lack of the losing night before record...for example the post below was posted just today which came after a horrendous losing day the night before, more specific the FADE went 4-1..but yet we fail to see a 1-4 record. One though can always count on the winning night before record to come to light, I guarantee you that...but again fail to see any losing night before records...ODD?

2) Notice the fine texture of a PAT ON THE BACK with words like "AMAZING". After reading the posts, one could almost rest assure the Kodiak would explain to you in the "3rd Person". You always have to hand it Kodiak for a laugh, as he calls himself "AMAZING"

3)One has to hand it the Kodiak by saying he is "Separating himself"..one would only assume from the others...one could say that...come on come on...raise your hand if you won some serious jack on the KODIAK FADE....so I guess I am going to agree with the Kod on the Art of Separation

4)Honest Cappers ? Does that include a joke with like 15 IDS ( confirmed by the moderators) and a record which never changes even under the harshes conditions like a solid 6-18 day or like last night ...1-4? Does it include a capper who rounds up from 58.1% and claims he is 59%, which after playing like 30 games a night has to be eaten up nightly by just the pure art of JUICE!

5) and not forgotten the art of the Kody when it comes to Credit Due....When in the heck does that happen...hahahahahhahahha.....

Anyway, you dissect your own Kody Post below and enjoy....

He may not be much on the capping side with his 9 minutes of capping but he sure is hysterical especially when he goes 1-4 and calls it a good close to a fine basketball season !!!!!!

Kudos to you Kody...and thank for making us all laugh...



Big Bear
posted March 15, 2004 01:54 PM
142-104-3 last 249 / 58%: +64.0 units on the year and 50 games over .500

A end to another GREAT cbb regular season yesterday.. UP OVER 60 units is AMAZING! I hope all joined me at the begining of feburary when I said I would start to seperate myself.. I also would like to congradulate ACTION, LEWIS, CO-CAPTAIN, OLDMAN TED, ALLSTAR, NY REB on great seasons.. Its nice to see honest SOLID cappers winning here as usual.. I will give credit were credit is due I always have!
Posts: 10239 | From: cjkodiak7@yahoo.com | Registered: November 03, 2000

Feb 21, 2001


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